Creativity and Sales Mojo: IGEL’s Award Winning Partners Can’t be Beat!
Citrix Synergy had it all this year: our IGEL Community was out in full force at our events. We had great give-and-take with our fellow thought leaders on the future of EUC, and we celebrated our extraordinary partners who take IGEL’s software story out to the front lines, with record-breaking sales results!
At Synergy we gave a special shout out to partners like Forthright who bring creativity and energy to an even higher level, proving we can be IT geeks and cool at the same time!
We gave out these IGEL Special Recognition Partner Awards:
New Platinum Partner: Burwood Group. IGEL welcomes the newest member of our outstanding Platinum Partner group, now up to 20organizations. Burwood has already doubled the pipeline requirement for Platinum partners, and has done a superb job of integrating IGEL’s endpoint security and optimization solution into multiple practices. Burwood now ranks #1 in deal registrations and we are looking forward to their next success.
Sales Excellence: Hogan Consulting Group. In Q1 met all the specs to be an IGEL Platinum Partner. HCG led the pack in revenue with the largest closed opportunity and generated over $5M in additional pipeline.
Sales Excellence: Accelera Solutions. Met Platinum Partner requirements in Q1. Achieved #2 spot in revenue, with 2ndlargest closed opportunity, building the pipeline at $2M plus.
Technical Marketing: Bob Allred, EUC Practice Manager, Right! Systems, Inc. Bob really deserves three awards for being a combination event coordinator, lab builder and UD Pocket configuration wizard. He single-handedly drove attendance at six city road shows featuring IGEL; configured over 50 UD Pockets; built a remote lab that included Citrix, IGEL and Liquidware, and generated more than $250K in the pipeline. Maybe he is actually three people!
Technical Marketing: Pete Downing, Chief Marketing Technology Officer, XenTegra. Pete is a great champion of EUC and IGEL, and he shows it with his prolific blog writing. From IGEL’s Universal Desktop Converter that repurposes legacy devices, to the IGEL UD Pocket, the micro client for the mobile worker, Pete is our passionate advocate. And he turns passion into dollars via conversion workshops and UD Pocket activations.
Competitive Marketing: Forthright Technology Partners. Carl Gersh, Director of Sales & Marketing; Frank M. Merino, Vice President of Professional Services. Just check out Forthright’s site for the IGEL IT Baller campaign and you’ll see why this amazing creative team should win a boatload of marketing awards!
A special thank you to all our partners who made IT Baller the talk of Synergy!
Let’s see your name on this list next time!